Jose Carlos Mendoza Saiz

Jose Carlos Menodoza Portada

Jose Carlos Mendosa was born on September 15, 1983 in Culiacan Sinaloa Mexico, he is a fishing writer and expert in digital marketing strategies and marketing of adventure tourism and fishing.

Specialist in writing blog articles focused on the dissemination for the internationalization of fishing sites. He is a professional in digital strategies in the areas of adventure tourism, fishing and sports.

Since January 2021, he is Co-Founder of Nomnday Fishing in Mexico, a Start Up company dedicated to the commercialization and services of fishing in the world as de CFO and manager of the international area.


He studied International Trade at the Casa Blanca University and a Master’s Degree in Foreign Trade at the Universidad de Occidente, with professors who were officials of Bancomext.

Implemented Fishing Spots

José Carlos Mendoza Saiz along with Nomnday Fishing in Mexico team has developed a platform for the international marketing of fishing spots.

Among the fishing spots promoted and integrated in the platform are:

Internationally promoted local spots:

International fishing spots:

  • Tomo River, Colombia,
  • Machete River, Lamay River and Lake Espejo at Villa La Angostura and Domos de la Estancia, Argentina
  • Mañihuales River, Mañihuales, Chile


  • 2016-2021. Co-founder of AwiwiChannel a Digital Marketing agency
  • 2019-Actual. Co-founder of agency dedicated to offer tourism experiences and short-term vacation rentals.
  • 2021-Actual. Co-founder of Nomonday fishing in Mexico. Platform for selling all-inclusive fishing services.

Personal Life

Loves fishing with his kids or with friends, his saying is “It’s better a bad fishing day than being at home”, goes to the movies when he is able, fan of the New York Knicks. Follows up the politics of Mexico. He likes to learn and enjoy fishing, especially to discover new and little known places.

Jose Carlos Mendoza Pescador y CFO de Nomonday,mx
Co-Funder en  | Web | + posts

Promoter of fishing in Mexico, Co-founder and CFO of Nomonday fishing in Mexico.

Fly fishing for permit in Xcalak, Mexico

Exclusive Mexican fishing content

Fishing Stories

Great Friendships Forged Through Fishing All anglers know that when we go fishing, we not only catch fish, but we also catch stories. Most anglers,

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Come and fish Peacock Bass in the Caño Gavilán River in Colombia!

Imagine a trip to the bottom of the Savannah, airplane to the lodge’s runway, lodging in ecological cabins, rivers and incredible fauna, but above all the capture of a great trophy, a fish as exotic as it is beautiful, the peacock bass. And no, I am not talking about a safari in Africa. I am talking about a great fishing experience in the Colombian savannah.

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