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Fishing Stories

All anglers know that when we go fishing, we not only catch fish, but we also catch stories. Most anglers, regardless of their age, have great anecdotes to share: tales about friends, guides, fellow anglers, locals, or even about themselves. These stories encapsulate a spectrum of emotions, from exhilarating fishing experiences to profound reflections, laughter, surprises, and even moments of sadness. Ultimately, these small experiences become fragments of life that are shared with others.

Among the diverse themes of these stories, I am particularly drawn to those that center around friendships among anglers. These narratives of camaraderie resonate with me due to their emotional depth and because, through listening to them, one learns how to nurture solid friendships within their own social and family circles. However, I must confess that another reason I cherish them is because all these stories converge on a common outcome, one that resonates deeply with me: after journeying together through the highs and lows of friendship, the anglers who share these tales inevitably find themselves fishing and recounting their adventures here, at Lake Picachos.

Holden, an experienced angler and guide residing in Livingston, Montana, near Yellowstone National Park and the city of Bozeman, is an expert in fly fishing and various other fishing techniques. Together with his only son, Sawyer, a mere 11 years old, they have explored most of Montana’s rivers. Their adventures primarily revolve around fly fishing on the Yellowstone River, Bighorn River, and Madison River. “We also enjoy bass fishing and pike fishing on the Fort Peck Reservoir on the Missouri River,” Holden remarks.

Sawyer, who landed his first fish at the tender age of two and started fly fishing at five, proudly stands alongside Holden in the photos capturing those cherished memories. This time, father and son have ventured to Lake Picachos to relish four consecutive days of fishing. Despite initially planning a deep-sea fishing excursion in Mazatlan, Sawyer opts to extend their stay for an additional day, his fifth day, to indulge in largemouth bass fishing at Picachos. “Yesterday, I caught 35; today, I aim to surpass that,” he declares confidently.

Holden’s passion for fishing extends to other destinations beyond Picachos. Following this visit, he intends to journey to Espiritu Santo Bay in the Yucatan Peninsula, where he will serve as a guide during the tarpon and permit fly-fishing season, an endeavor highly esteemed by fellow anglers from his hometown of Montana.

“Yes, we’re headed to Espiritu Santo Bay after this… we’ve already fished in Yucatan, Hawaii, Montana, and now in Sinaloa,” emphasizes Sawyer, his eyes fixed on his cell phone, yet a smile of pride and camaraderie gracing his face.

A few days ago, Tully Welch and Joe Bill Long, two bass anglers hailing from Texas, arrived at Lake Picachos. Tully, a resident of Del Rio, and Joe, from Fort Worth, boast ages of 50 and 87, respectively. Their intergenerational friendship traces back to when Tully, at the tender age of ten, would accompany his uncles on fishing excursions, who happened to be close friends of Joe’s. Recalling those early days, Tully recounts, “Joe and my uncles began fishing together at Lake Guerrero in Tamaulipas, Mexico, in the mid-1970s,” with Tully himself joining the fold a decade later.

Though Tully’s uncles have since departed, he and Joe have steadfastly maintained their friendship for nearly four decades. Together, they have explored a plethora of lakes, as Tully proudly declares, “We’ve fished numerous lakes in Texas and Mexico, including Lake Guerrero, Lake Marte Gomez, Don Martin, Las Blancas, El Palmito, Baccarac, El Salto, and Picachos. I’ve been to Picachos three times, two of which were with Joe.”

When Joe speaks of Tully, it’s with a pride and affection akin to a father speaking of his son, though their bond is solely that of great friendship. Conversely, Tully remains more reserved, yet his affection and loyalty toward Joe shine through as he fluently translates Joe’s amusing anecdotes into Spanish.

Despite Joe’s admission that he thoroughly enjoys fishing in Mexico, he confesses that when it comes to the logistical preparations, “I don’t lift a finger; Tully takes care of everything, from booking flights to lodge reservations. I simply grab my rod and crack open a beer en route to the lake.”

Erick and Cisco’s California Lakes Story

Erick Carbajal is a remarkable angler, one of those individuals whose passion for bass fishing drives them to embark on solo fishing expeditions for an entire week here at Lake Picachos. A regular visitor to this lake, Erick exemplifies the value of introspection and disconnection that fishing affords. Prior to this season, he reached out to inform us of his impending visit and his arrangement to rendezvous here with his cousin to fish.

Several years ago, Erick and Cisco Sevilla, aged 8 and 9 respectively, would be dropped off by their parents, armed with their fishing rods, sandwiches, and water bottles, at 6 a.m. on the shores of Otay Lake in Chula Vista, California.

Their adventures weren’t confined solely to Otay Lake; they also frequented Lakes Jennings and Murray, enjoying the privileges of residing near Southern California’s picturesque lakes. They reminisce fondly about a time when children could venture out alone to fish, with their parents entrusting them to the care of one another without worry.

In their twenties, Cisco relocated to Sydney, Australia, for work reasons. However, this geographic separation didn’t deter them from continuing their fishing escapades together. For over a decade, they’ve upheld the tradition of an annual fishing trip, selecting a date and destination anywhere in the world to indulge in their shared passion. This time, they opted for Lake Picachos. While Erick’s journey from San Diego was a mere flight away, Cisco traversed approximately 7,771 miles through flights and numerous connections to reunite with his cousin. Yet, as they embraced at the lake, the miles and hours of travel dissolved in a fraternal embrace. Within minutes, they were back on the water, relishing the joy of fishing and camaraderie, reminiscent of their carefree days as children fishing on the lakes of California.

angler Camilo Vidal showing off a bass
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Fishing Stories

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Imagine a trip to the bottom of the Savannah, airplane to the lodge’s runway, lodging in ecological cabins, rivers and incredible fauna, but above all the capture of a great trophy, a fish as exotic as it is beautiful, the peacock bass. And no, I am not talking about a safari in Africa. I am talking about a great fishing experience in the Colombian savannah.

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